Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am studying Ginaster Argentina Dances.
(Most things which are making homepage, blog, study spanish music are the first time to me.)
So not easy but exciting. 

Back to the Ginastera.  

Alberto Evaristo Ginastera (Buenos Aires, April 11, 1916 – June 25, 1983 Geneva) was anArgentine composer of classical music. He is considered one of the most important Latin American classical composers.   Argentina Dances written in 1937.

The first piece, Danza del viejo boyero (“Dance of the Old Herdsman”), immediately strikes the ear as being odd. The reason is as simple as it is strange: the left hand plays only black notes, while the right plays only white notes. This means it is composed of two modes, the prominent one being E phrygian. Despite the seemingly unavoidable cacophony of that arrangement, Ginastera manages to frame a simple and charming melody through the use of rhythm and texture. The piece ends with a chord (E-A-D-G-B-E) the notes of the open guitar strings in standard tuning. Perhaps as a result of his Spanish background, this was one of Ginastera’s favourite chords.

Danza de la moza donosa (“Dance of the Beautiful Maiden”) is a gentle dance in 6/8 time. A piquant melody meanders its way through the first section, constantly creating and releasing tension through the use of chromatic inflections. The second section introduces a new melody, more assured of itself than the first. The harmonisation of this section is based on the intervals of the fourth and fifth, which give the music a feeling of expansiveness. This sound, which Ginastera uses frequently, reflects the vastness of the Argentinepampas (grasslands). The final section returns to the opening melody, but with a richer harmonisation based on thirds.

With directions such as furiosamente (“furiously”), violente (“violent”), and salvaggio (“wild”), Ginastera left no doubt as to how the third dance, Danza del gaucho matrero (“Dance of the Arrogant Cowboy”), should be performed. Ginastera makes use of gratuitousdissonance in this piece, often using minor seconds to harmonise otherwise simple melodies. The structure is an approximate rondo(ABACDACD), and the thematic material alternates between chromatic passages (sections A and B) and highly tonal, melodic passages (C and D). The jubilant sound of the C section is achieved by harmonising every single melody note with a major chord, even if they are totally foreign to the tonic key. The D section, by contrast, does not use a single accidental; here, jubilance is expressed through the use of brisk tempo, strong rhythmfortissimo, and a simple, majestic chord progression. As might be expected from the savageness of the rest of the piece, the coda is anything but subtle: ffff dynamics and a tremendous glissando bring the dance to a close.

When I research about a this work I could understand about composer. I feel like sometimes we live same under the sky. These kind of thought help me when I get tired and can not practice well.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Andras Schiff, piano

Andras Shiff Piano Concert -Carnegie hall

Played Beethoven Sonatas op.54 op.57  op.78  op.79 op.81a

Andras Schiff was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1953 and started piano lessons at the age of five with Elisabeth Vadasz.
In 2004 he began a series of performance in Europe explring the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas . The project in its entirely continue 2008 season at Carnegie hall, Washington D.C and so on.

It was really fabulous. The seat was not comfortable and I could barely see the pianist. However the music is different. Never get boring during playing.
Thanks for staying in NY!!